Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day

This year Father's Day was definitely a day to remember!  It started out with a wonderful breakfast of eggs, steak, tomatoes and french toast with lots and lots of syrup.  I was very proud of myself!  After my husbands wonderful breakfast we had decided to go to the fair.  Neither of us had been to a fair and it was so great!  We ate mountains of fried food, fried zucchini, fried pigs in a blanket, bacon wrapped in chocolate and a few other things I can't even remember.  Since Daniel is small we were unable to ride anything, but he had fun just staring at all the people and fun.  The only bad part of the day was how exhausting it was for Daniel, he cried the whole ride home, blah!  Eventually we all got our afternoon naps and were ready for delicious dinner.  Steak, pork, potatoes and a salad (had to have something healthy for the day).  Daddy's gift this year was tickets to his favorite baseball team, it really was such a great day! :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Where does the time go??

It has been four months!  I don't even know why I stopped writing here, but I realized lately I need to continue to do so.  Mostly, for myself.  I know selfish, selfish but it will also be nice if Daniel ever wonders what his life was like when he was younger.  To update what has happened in the last four months Daniel began to walk officially (which according to the dr. "official" means three continuous steps).  And, unjoyously, to me, he has begun to start rejecting naptime.  Which adds a lot of work for mommy. Lately, we have also been going to great park, swimming and many other fun things.  Maybe that's why he doesn't want to sleep?  It is great for him to be older and want to be out of the house more!  Currently, we are on a summer break from work.  This is good and bad, good because he and I get a lot more time with just the two of us.  Bad, because I hadn't planned too far ahead with our money and things are really tight while I am not working.  Of course I babysit here and there but its definitely not the same.  Its sorta strange but I become jealous of my husband when he goes to work.  Its weird but even going to someone elses home makes me feel much more accomplished.  I understand that staying at home as a parent is also rewarding, but I also like to contribute monetarily.  Luckily, we will be seeing Emma and Eve next week!  They are currently on vacation and Eve began to walk as well!  The week before school was out.  She is so cute when she walks, she sticks her arms out for balance.  I am so proud of the babies!  They are really growing up so quickly.  We also missed two very important events Daniel and Eve's first birthdays!!!  They were both a blast, we had a small dino themed party here for Daniel and Eve and Emma had a joint birthday (Emma turned 3 as well!)  Anyway, enough rambling for one day Daniel needs help getting to sleep!

Friday, February 25, 2011

"I need to purchase stock in Kleenex"

This week turned out to be far more hectic than I ever could have possibly imagined.  I did have my final exams for school this week, which I was expecting.  I was not prepared, however, for three sick kids!  Oh my, snot, snot, snot and than this afternoon Emma developed a very strange rash with fever.  I am starting to feel sick myself so this will probably be brief, all I can say to sum up the week is hectic.  It wasn't bad, I enjoyed spending time with everyone just very busy.  Some awesome highlights for this week
Passed my courses (pretty certain)
Daniel and Eve have started to learn to share
Eve gave Daniel and I kisses
Emma had Joe over today to play, yay!

So, as I stated Eve gave Daniel and I kisses and the reason this is significant is because she NEVER has before.  She is only nine months old, so they aren't exactly kisses that she gives, but rather an open mouth slobber.  But, you can definitely tell her itentions.  I had seen her many times when Sam got home from work lean in and smooch her on the cheek.  And, the other day we were snuggling and I guess she decided I was worthy of an Eve kiss, made me feel so special!  Then today she and Daniel were "sharing" pacifiers and decided he needed a little smooch on the top of his head, she was surprising gentle and I watched in awe, such a precious moment!  So, I think Daniel learned something from Eve.  Later, when she was napping he found Emma's doll an kissed it over and over and over.  I didn't even know he could give kisses!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Baby Steps!

Great day!  Daniel tried to take his first step alone today!  I was very excited, but it was a little unexpected.  When he started to go I freaked out just a little and I think it scared him.  Hopefully that doesn't make for a set back in future walking.  Daddy has switched his day off to Tuesday, so Daniel was with us girlies today.  Here's what we did today (no particular order).
Played outside
Just to name a few...it was all a blast!

Daniel has also had a total of three bottles today already, which is great since getting him to drink one was such a chore.  I learned a lot from his food diary and just thought I would share what I learned.  So, if you are having a hard time with feeding baby here are a few suggestions.
1.  If your child wants to eat and roam, let them.  I understand learning to eat at the table and in high chair is important.  But, for Daniel he always wants to move, move, move.  So I learned if I let him come to me for the food he will actually eat.  When I put him in his highchair he often refuses to eat.
2.  Offer them your spoon.  I also discovered if I used my spoon to feed Daniel when we were at the table, he would eat.  It was still his baby food, but for some reason he liked the bigger spoon.
3.  To offer maximum nutrition at each meal I mixed together fruit and vegetable baby foods.  Not exactly sure it was the tastiest, but Daniel seemed to like it.
4.  Let your child eat with a friend.  When Eve and Daniel are sitting next to each other and eating he never misses a bite. 
5.  Make sure you are feeding nutritionally rich foods.  I know it sounds obvious, but if you want to give your child a snack it is so much easier to give them baby puffs than a fruit or veggie.  This week when I went grocery shopping I made sure to get a bunch of both and gave those only for snacks along with whole wheat or grain.
6.  Share your food.  When I am eating a banana if I let Daniel take bites for himself, he will eat a bunch.  If I try to feed him, not so much.  Just make sure they don't bite off too much.  Remember to always monitor babies when they are eating or drinking their bottles!
Just a reminder, these are just suggestions from me a nanny and mom.  I am not a doctor and if your child has had an extreme diet change remember to contact your doctor.  Also, none of this is medical advice. :)

Today was a relaxed day, and you all know I love days like this.  We had so much fun playing time just flew by.  When I am able to get all three kiddos to sleep one nap at the same time, things are even better!  Eve's teeth are still bothering her quite a bit.  We had a little trouble with the afternoon nap, but nothing terrible.  All in all just a great day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lazy Saturday

That's right, just returned from vaca, only worked one day this week and still having a lazy Saturday.  I guess I just don't really want to get back to reality, not yet.  A few great things for today.  Since Daniel has been eating so sparsely I decided to start a food journal and make sure ALL meals (and snacks) are full of nutrition and Sam was kind enough to give me some vitamin drops.  I will keep you updated on how this all helps.  This morning I talked to my Dad about what was going on with Daniel and he was very very helpful.  He is the type of guy who doesn't really stress too much so every time I am able to call him (we live in diff. states) it really helps me relax as well.  He made a good point that Daniel won't starve himself and not to pressure him too much because it will probably have the opposite effect I would like.  So, I just relaxed today and Daniel had his afternoon bottle.  Yay, yay, yay!  Thank you, Dad.

Lately, I have been a shop-a-holic.  My husband told me I am not allowed to do anymore shopping for this year.  I keep telling him I have to update my wardrobe from being pregnant, and fat after the pregnancy.  This all got me to thinking about the huge weight gain and loss that comes from having children.  I am a little ashamed to admit this, but I gained 65 pounds when I was pregnant with Daniel.  I was terrible, I figured that since I was already the biggest I had ever been in my life it didn't matter what I ate.  Wow, was I wrong!  I did not really understand the extent of my mistake until after Daniel was born.  I tried to put on my old clothes, they did not fit at all!!  I had to shop for all new clothes to have anything that actually fit.  I refused to wear a bathing suit during the summer, and very rarely wore shorts.  It was very depressing for me.  Finally, I realized I needed to work on losing all the weight I gained and have been successful!  I did this by working out, and decreasing my meal portions to normal sizes.  But, even with all the weight loss things are just not the same with my body.  I don't really know how to explain it except things are just different.  Does anyone else feel this way after having children?  So, I am trying to discover the clothes that will work for my new body.  Mostly, I feel like I want to keep everything covered.  Despite the fact I have lost my weight there are still stretch marks EVERYWHERE and I mean everywhere...tummy, tooshie, back and even behind my knees.  I didn't even know that was possible.  Ultimately, I have found that the best style for me are some skinny jeans with long tees, and perhaps a belt to accentuate my waist.  What styles have you found best for the post-baby body?  And, what work outs or meal plans did you use to lose the weight?

To the left what I would wear before Daniel
To the right what I wear now

Friday, February 18, 2011

Teething Troubles

Sigh, I think the title says it all.  Things have been a little frustrating today.  Daniel is getting a new tooth on the bottom that is really irritating him.  He was finally drinking his bottles again and now today he refuses.  It always makes me worry that he will become dehydrated or isn't getting enough to eat.  He's always been a little baby, so I always worry when we have issues with food.

But, I did get to hang out with Emma and Eve again today! :)  We were all very excited to see each other.  I brought the girls some teddy bears for a late Valentine's Day gift and apparently they didn't smell well.  Emma told me she loved it, but didn't like it because of the smell.  I smelled it and it just smelled like a store...go figure.  Still, very funny!  Kids are always so honest, sometimes a little brutally honest.  Eve developed two teeth while we were gone!  They grew in so quickly I was a little shocked.  I knew she was teething before we left because she was a little fussy.  I had no idea her teeth would be in so quickly though. 

Today was pretty rainy, Emma asked if she could do some painting and of course I said yes!  She was very excited it had been a little while.  We usually do finger painting, and for some reason she always tries to paint herself instead of the paper.  I have to remind her to keep the paint on the paper and her fingers, but not on her arms, belly..wherever else she may think to paint.  Its always very fun to finger paint.  While we were painting Eve was awake and she was sitting in her highchair, its one that has a toy tray on the top.  And, she is so hilarious with the toys she just bangs them against the side making tons of noise while we paint.  All in all today was a pretty great day.  Sorry, not too much to talk about it was a short day at work. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Don't HATE Comments

We arrived home from our vacation yesterday, boo!  I did not want to go home we had such a great time.  My husband even wants to move to where we vacationed.  Silly man! Haha.  So as you can tell we had a great trip.  There were a few hiccups with the room we first booked, but we were able to upgrade rooms and things were much better!  But, as with any vacation with children I think the hiccups are expected.  Daniel has been teething for awhile now and we had a few fussy evenings, but we made it through and I am very happy for the vacation we were able to take.  We even ventured to a fancy schmancy restaurant with Daniel in tow.  I don't think they were so excited to see a baby in their restaurant.  But, it was Valentine's Day and we weren't going to sacrifice the nice dinner just because we have a baby.  Turns out, Daniel can be a baby saint at dinner.  We received multiple comments on how well he behaved, I was just as surprised!  The night before we had to leave the restaurant we were eating in because he was mis-behaving so badly.  Let me just say I was very thankful for the good behavior in the fancy restaurant.  Has anyone ever had to leave a restaurant before because of their child?  It was a tad embarrassing.

While on vacation we spent a lot of time being lazy and during this time I was able to read some online articles I would normally look over.  Most of them were about parenting and I was a little amazed, most of the reading I find easily do come from social networks.  On these social networks parents can leave their thoughts and comments.  Which I think is great!  But, I think there were a lot of comments that were not necessary.  Parents bashing other parents saying they are bad, and just let me say, wow!  I couldn't believe the things being said.  So, here's my two cents on the topic.  Parents are not perfect, nanny is not perfect.  We are all human beings who make mistakes.  And, as parents we all have different ways of raising our children.  I don't think its our place to tell other parents how to raise their children.  You can't protect your children from everything in this world.  Of course we will all try, but even when you are two feet from them they will probably fall down and get hurt.  These things just happen.  I think what matters is we try the best we can.  But, don't tell others they are terrible when they are doing their best as well.   My goodness!!  OK, I am done, getting off my soap box now.  Tomorrow I get to see Emma and Eve again, yay!  I will let you all know how the day goes. :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

On Vacation...

The paper says...
"Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
These flowers are Pretty
But not as pretty as You"

This is the wonderful Valentine's Day gift I was given!  My husband is so great to me I always wanted a little garden for my patio and here it is. :)

Tomorrow we are leaving for vacation.  I will be back Wednesday, I wish you all a wonderful weekend and great Valentine's Day.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Roller Coaster

Today has been an emotional roller coaster for me.  Such great and terrible things have happened.  This morning I learned a college friend of my lost her baby girl due to a terrible disease.  My heart aches for her and her family at this time.

This afternoon Eve and Emma's grandparents picked them up giving me a very short work day.  They did this because I had thought I was going to need to take a trip to the DMV, but it turned out that the trip was able to wait.  I called Sam to let her know last night, but she said they still wanted to get the girls.  OK with me! :)  This morning I did have every intention of still making my trip to the DMV and Joe's mom had told me she would watch Daniel, but I left late this morning and without the paperwork I needed.  So, I figured it can wait (I am a terrible procrastinator...obviously).  I decided to take Daniel to Katie's (Joe's mom) house still and spend some time buying all the things I needed for our trip this Sunday and stuff for Valentine's Day.  Well, I even failed at this.  I did buy the Valentine's Day items for the hubby but once I was set lose BY MYSELF...no babies I kinda just became a shopping zombie!  But, let me tell you all it was soooooooo nice, and I don't really have enough words to thank Katie.  Hopefully, you are reading this, Katie so you know how thankful I really am.  After I was done with my shopping I returned to Katie's and she had even more children in her home!  What a saint.  It turned out that I knew her friend and her children.  Sam and I had walked past them on an afternoon walk we took together.  She has the CUTEST 3 month old son, if I could have I would have sat and snuggled him all day.  There is nothing better then these precious babies.  It was so great to hang out with these other Mom's as well and learn about and from each other.

A few days ago Emma and I did a little Valentine's Day craft.  I am not super duper crafty, but I thought it would be great to do something in honor of this day of love.  Here are our creations...
I am continuing to feel ever grateful for the privileges I have to spend every day with my son and the children I care for.  I love each and every one of them so dearly and will be thinking of them this Valentine's!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hokey Pokey

Today has been a pretty nice day.  One of those not too crazy, and just enough fun!  My favorite part of the day was when Emma and I did the hokey pokey dance.  As we were dancing I realized HEY, I can use this to teach Emma the difference between her right and left sides.  Then, I really started thinking OH MY, what a great tool for children who don't know body parts yet.  Sooo parents put your arms, legs, head, nose knee and any other body part you can think of, and shake em!  This can be so fun and silly!  Sometimes my own genius even surprises me (although I am certain all of you are like DUH we already do this..haha.) 

Eve is just so precious I can't use the words to describe it.  Today we were playing and I was swaying her in my arms and singing some silly song with Emma and she just giggled and giggled!  She has always been such a smiley baby.  Even at a younger age she would just play with Emma and laugh so much.  Loove it!  She's also becoming a little more mobile.  She has learned that she can get herself down to her tummy (through a very unsafe "throwing" action, always have to place her AWAY from tables and other unsafe objects) and once she is on her tummy she scoots and scoots...backward.  Tee hee, at least some movement!  It is always one of the first steps a baby displays before crawling so I am very proud of her.  She also even managed to pull herself up into crawling position and hold it for just a few minutes.  Yay!

Daniel has been very unwilling to eat his bottles lately, its been like a war of milk.  Gah!  He has been eating a lot more solid foods lately, so I believe he just doesn't like the taste of formula.  I don't even like the smell, so I can't blame him.  But, I know he's not getting enough nutrition from just these foods so after trying a sippy and letting him do it himself with no success I added juice (apple) to his milk.  Just a teeny-tiny bit.  And, he finally downed two 8oz bottles within two hours of each other (he usually waits at least three or four).  I am glad he finally ate, but I am pretty sure you shouldn't be adding juice to milk?  So, if anyone has tips or secrets please please let me know.  Also, I just want to make it clear I am not recommending others add juice to their babies bottle because I don't know just how great it is. (babies shouldn't be drinking citrus juices, just fyi)  Any who, I should be doing my project for school so I am going to stop rambling and get back to that.  Hope you all have a great Thursday evening!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Let's play, play, play!

This week is rather busy for me, working 5 instead of the usual four days, have a project due for school and preparing for an upcoming vacation.  Whew!  I am soo excited about the vaca though I don't really mind at all. :)  Yesterday, Daniel was with me and the girls and in the morning time they were playing together sooo much. They always like to play together but often times it doesn't last very long.  (hard to keep and nine month and 2 year old entertained with each other)  But, yesterday they were playing in the curtains (which, I don't normally allow) it was just so gosh darn cute, I couldn't stop them!  Emma would hide behind the curtain and Daniel would go looking for her..aww it was adorable!  They were giggling and giggling.  I just loved it!

Today, Daniel is home with Daddy again, but Emma had a friend, Joe, come over.  Joe is another child I also babysit now and again and this was their first time meeting.  Joe is 3, so a little older than Emma but after a little shyness they definitely hit it off!  We made another trip to the park (third time this week!) and they had so much fun playing and digging in the sand, I wasn't sure they would ever want to leave.  Eventually, they reluctantly agreed to go when it was time for Emma's rest.

I really enjoyed having Joe come over to play because it gave me one on one time with Eve, which I worry I don't always give her enough of.  When you begin watching more than one child, and especially when one is yours there's always a little worry of if everyone is getting the attention they deserve.  I try my best to give everyone the same, but I am not a super human some days Emma, Eve or Daniel can get just a little left out.  I love when Daniel has his daddy days, because it makes me appreciate the days that he is with me even more.  Today, I learned that he took his first few steps with his walking toy (its a dino!) and I won't lie I was very sad I missed it.  But, luckily he will do it again and I am glad daddy was able to see this, because he missed the very first crawling.

Playing in the curtains.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Girls Day Out

Mondays are always girl days.  Daddy has the day off and watches Daniel so the girls and I get time together!  These days are so much fun.  They usually consist of a trip to the park (weather permitting).  Yesterday we were able to go to the park and it was a blast!  But, Emma was afraid to go down the slide.  I was very shocked this has never happened before.  I told her I would stand at the bottom of the slide and even tried to hold her hand but she still didn't want to go.  It was definitely unusual, she always goes down the slide.  I am certain she will overcome what was scaring her though.  Since it was a girl day we also decided to paint our toenails.  It is always so fun to to do!  And, its the only time I bother to do mine as well so I absolutely love it.  When you live with two boys the girly stuff takes a backseat, on Mondays we let it all out!  We take the time to "make ourselves pretty."  Which consists of hair brushing and some lotion for our cheeks, but still very fun!  Eve was in an extra happy mood as well.  When we go to the park she likes to sit in the sand and just dig.  She does try to eat it now and again.  What kid doesn't like dirt? 

I forgot to mention the very large dog whom we also spend our days with, his name is Duke and he is a character!  The first day I began to sit for Emma, he wanted to be VERY friendly...if you know what I mean.  We do have a dog of our own so I wasn't scared, just very very surprised.  When we take our trips to the park he always comes with us, and inevitably EVERY time we go he has to stop and poop.  I think he saves it just for the trip!  But, he is a very loveable guy and nice to have around. :)
Emma's pretty toes!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nanny/Mommy Tips

We have added some tips for hiring or finding a Nanny.

Here are a few tips for a Nanny searching for a job.
1. Be honest. If there is something you have done, or something you expect let your employer know. Honesty really is the best policy in this field. If your employer finds out something you have neglected to disclose the consequences may be severe.
2. Become CPR and First Aid certified.
3. When going to an interview you will most likely be in the families home. Let a friend know where you are. Most people are honest, but you just never know.
4. Dress nicely for your interview.
5. Ask employer what will be expected and what you are willing to do so both parties are aware.
6. Be respectful of families rules. You are caring for their most precious children. Adhere to any rules set, if cannot maybe find a family more compatible to you.
7. If you can, provide references on your resume.

Just a few things I have found helpful over the years. If you have any questions or comments feel free to post them!
Here are a few tips for parents looking for a nanny.
1. Find a nanny who is willing to be compatible with the way you want your child to be raised. (for me discipline is important, same goes for my employers)
2. When nanny comes for an interview offer for them to hold or play with child, see how and IF they interact with your child.
3. Let nanny know what will be expected of them and reimbursement. If you want them to clean or bring own food, etc. Some may not be willing to do the extra work.
4. Ask WHY they want to be a nanny. If you want someone who is passionate about their work, seek them out.
5. Check credentials. A nanny should ALWAYS have CPR and First Aid Certification
6. Go with your gut, honestly there are many mothers who have told me they just felt comfortable with nanny, and they turned out to be exactly what their family needed.

These are just a few personal tips I would give to families searching for a nanny. If you have more or any questions feel free to comment! :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snuggles and Love

There are soo many things that I would like to talk about in this blog, but today I am feeling squishy with love.  I know it is the superbowl and many of you will be enjoying those festivities (we will later) but as of now Daniel and I are enjoying the day together.  When we have these times to ourselves I can't help but remember the times of when he was a newborn baby.  I was only able to take off two complete weeks (when you work for yourself money has to keep coming somehow).  But, thankfully I was still able to work and only had two actual work days.  So Daniel and I still spent most of our days together and when he was little all he ever wanted was to be held.  So I held, cuddled and snuggled the little man like crazy!  When daddy was at work he and I would lounge and take naps together.  These were definitely some of the best times ever!  I recall one specific evening when Daniel woke up for his nightly feeding and normally I would sit up to feed him, but this night I was so sleepy and decided to lie and breastfeed.  After Daniel was done eating he fell into such a peaceful sleep I did not want to move and disturb him.  So, he continued to sleep next to me and we created a new pattern for our night time feeding.  Eventually, we moved him back to his crib.  This was very hard for me, but letting him learn to put himself to sleep was very important to us so I endured.  Because of this though there are very few times when Daniel will fall asleep in my arms now and I miss those snuggles.  When they do happen, I enjoy them soooo much!
Sleeping on Daddy

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dish Soap

Today, I am just Mommy.  Daniel has been say "ma-ma" all morning and it has definitely put a smile on my face!  But, we did have a rough start to our morning.  I was getting ready to make coffee (which I CANNOT go without) and realized the coffee pot was still in the sink to be cleaned, darn!  I thought to myself "well I can just wash it very quickly, start my coffee and have my Chex cereal."  We keep all soaps and cleaners above our sink so Daniel cannot reach them, and there was no dish soap.  What the h***, where did it go?  For some reason the case of missing soap sent me into a whirl of craziness.  So, I asked my husband did you move it?  He says "I have no idea."  Whilst he is playing a video game of some sort.  So I am scouring all the cabinets and still no dish soap, I have to have my coffee!  Finally, I decided I had better just use the hand soap, its antibacterial, it will clean it enough, right?  In the end coffee was made and we all laughed at my outburst about dish soap.  It just reminded me you never know what silly things will tug your strings.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Napping Nonsense

Fridays are always very long days, it's the end of the week and I have to arrive an hour earlier to work.  Which also means waking up Daniel before his usual time, which he is never happy about.  Today seemed extra long due to some napping nonsense.  Typically the babies (Daniel and Eve) take a morning nap at the same time.  Usually, it is not a problem but today it was!  They both went to their nap at 9am.  First, Eve did not want to sleep, then she finally did fall asleep, and after about 20 minutes Daniel woke because he pooped.  In turn waking up Eve and now both were cranky due to insufficient sleep.  Their waking then woke Emma who had just begun her nap also.  Luckily, Emma can be told she needs to go back to sleep, but babies cannot.  Ever tried to put three babies to sleep at the same time?  It doesn't always go so well.

BUT, FRIDAY IS MOVIE DAY!  That's right all capital letters because this is a relaxing day.  Of course there is still playing and learning but things are just a little easier when you know you get to relax during the movie.  The movie most likely to be played, Monsters Inc.  I am pretty certain we have watched this for months now.  I try to persuade Emma to watch something else but she loves it and its not really that big of a deal.  Lately, I have just been finding things to do around the house while she watches (nothing too strenuous of course). And, there are always the babies to entertain. 

Emma's question today was very cute.  I told her I was going to go to the restroom and she said "restroom? Where is the restroom?"  I told her it was the same as bathroom or potty.  "Restroom, bathroom, potty...oh my!"

Daniel and Eve are working on their listening skills, yes they are nine months old, but I believe early discipline is super important.  If you don't start when they are little, when do you start?  I don't think it should be delayed until a certain age. (just my preference)  Anyway, Daniel has discovered that he can crawl up on the hearth to the fireplace and play with the glass.  Luckily the fireplace is never used, but I don't want him to think it is OK to play with, so today we taught Daniel that when he crawls AWAY from the fireplace he gets a huge YAY! and some applause.  Emma always helps me with this, and for that I am grateful.  Eve's listening lesson today consisted of not shrieking aloud and sputtering her mouth while eating (it will fly everywhere!)  I feed both babies at the same time and to make her realize we can't sputter and shriek I feed Daniel an extra spoonful, she realizes she has been skipped and miraculously no sputters or shrieks!  For more baby feeding tips check out our new page on facebook!  Also, a discussion on breastfeeding has been added.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 1

This is my first day blogging!  Make that first time ever blogging!  To start off I will tell you all about us. :)  As I said before I am a mother and a nanny, my son is nine months old he is already crawling, has eight teeth and is full of attitude.  The children I care for (two girls) are 2, and eight months, that's right only three weeks apart.  Emma the 2 year old, I began to nanny when she was eight months old and let me just tell you right now, best baby ever!  I have only been an official nanny for four years now (two with a different family), but I have been a babysitter for ten years.  I had never met an easier baby in my life.  Eve, like Daniel is full of attitude, she's just beginning her teething!  When my husband and I discovered we were pregnant with our son, Daniel, it was a BIG surprise.  But, the BEST surprise ever.  A few weeks later Sam and Steve (my employers) told us they were pregnant also, and out of the graciousness of their hearts they continued to let me nanny while pregnant, and even now.  Daniel comes to work with me three of the four days I work.  730-4 he is right by my side, and I couldn't be happier about that!  Of course we had a few months to get to know eachother after baby Eve was born.

 As with all things, parenting and nannying, are not always joyous.  My hardest parenting experience thus far, breastfeeding.  As many moms know this is a huge challenge for some and super natural for others.  My sister is a natural at breastfeeding, she could probably feed triplets if she needed to!  I am not, my milk was not creamy enough, Daniel never learned to latch and at two months old he looked like a starving baby (and we had a terrible Dr, we've switched now).  During these troubles we went to visit Sam and Eve, Eve didn't have the patience for breastfeeding and Sam was pumping then fed Eve with a bottle.  DUH!  Why had I not thought of that?  I began to pump, and regulate exact amounts Daniel was eating and within a week he looked like a different baby.  A few weeks later we also supplemented with formula, he became soo much healthier!  If any of you reading want breastfeeding tips or help, just email!  Often times as a new mother I feel like I am stumbling day to day and it is so nice to have Sam there to help.  (another reason I wanted to do this blog :)

Anyway, back to nannying.  Like I said before Eve is currently 8 months, Daniel 9 months and Emma 2.  Things get a little crazy!  Emma asks why after everything, and I try my best to explain to help her learn.  Today, she asked why Eve needed her diaper changed and why Daniel had to take a rest (nap).  I explained to her Eve's diaper was full and needed to be changed so it didn't explode everywhere and Daniel had to rest, because he was tired and getting cranky.  Her next question is always "why not?"  Meaning why again, and instead of my usual continued explaination I asked her, why do you think?  When I asked her this she became a little flustered but blurted my respose to her, what a smart girl!  Later on during the day Emma let me know when I told her I was going to change Eve's diaper again "I am going to ask why."  The genius of children!!  I know its cheesy, but I have to admit it is a privilege to care for these children.  They really are our future, and please tell me what could be more important? 
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